Saturday, October 25, 2014


I've said it a million times: There's a slippery slope between hyperbole and telling lies for dramatic effect, passing them off as truth. Some people just can't stop themselves. Prone to heavily indulging in hyperbole, I've teetered perilously close to the lies for dramatic effect and passing them off as truth precipice frequently but have managed to stave it off with thanks to those around me who've unfortunately made the folly of it glaringly clear.

Don't. Just don't. You don't need to. I don't need to. All of us have to lie sometimes. Being inappropriately direct can be hurtful to others; and all of us exaggerate on occasion, but there is just no need to lie about stupid stuff that doesn't need lyin' about for any good reason, just because it's your programmed default, your practiced act, your shame-riddled reflex, my shame-riddled reflex, our shame-riddled reflex.


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